May 28, 2009

It's Been a While So Here's Somethin' New...

So I went to Anime North 2009 last weekend... and it was AWESOME. Anime Cons are, apparantly, where you meet all the nicest people. Everyone was so friendly and they all made it a truly great experience. Even for an anime/con n00b like me! I'm especially glad I enjoyed myself this time, because I am slated to be heading back to another anime convention in July of this year. A buddy of mine and I are putting together a book about zombies that will be featuring my illustrative talents! After visiting the con, I also got in my head the brilliant idea of "hey! Why don't I draw and sell my own illustrations at the table!?" So I'm splitting the table cost and will be putting out fresh illustrations and selling prints for all of Saturday and Sunday, July 11th and 12th. Above is a picture I did up quick last week of Bill from Left4Dead. Who wouldn't want a Bill print!?
Hope ya digs!

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