Jul 26, 2006

Temporal Infestation

John Harrison of 'Start a Story' has a new illustrative project in the works called 'Cube'. It's not fully launched yet but should be fun.

The name of mine is 'Temporal Infestation'. The above image shows how it'll be used inside the 'Cube'. Below shows how I imagined it fully with the drool and all breaking out from the framed image.


Unknown said...


Gabrielle said...

This reminds me of when I first started Java programming. I found it was a totally different way of thinking, it even affected the way I perceived things around me in everyday life (ie classes, inheritance, objects) I told my instructor that learning this stuff was like blowing huge pathways through my brain that had never existed before, not just neural pathways, but honking huge bored out tunnels! Eventually and fortunately, they filled back in.

I just love the colours in these pieces