Jan 17, 2006

Vikings vs. Pirates

In my opinion, vikings will always win against pirates. I know that I'm opening up a huge debate here. But I feel this way mainly because vikings have more of a cause and focus than the random acts that pirates commit. I mean, come on, pirates only fight for gold and drink. Plus, they wear capri pants, and we all know that you can't win a fight wearing capri pants.
This is pulled straight from my drafting table. Pencils and unfinished inks. I think it's inspired by the fact that there is a crapload of noise coming up through the floorboards of my studio room. There's some remodeling of the kitchen going on and it's shaking the house. I'm represented as the viking and the pirate is Stan the remodeler. Aaaaaaargh! It's driving me NUTS!!!


Jeff Andrews said...

That's great Brandon! I'd love to see this colorized.

Unknown said...

ya, I'm in the slow process of coloring it. thanks.

Jeope said...

Wow, folks is prolific! Sorry that I'll have nuthin' until my HowieZine submissions are complete.

But to me there's also no debate. Vikings would win in a cakewalk.

Unknown said...

I disagree, Jay. Vikings have cooler ships that are shaped like serpents and would scare the sissy pirates away before they even reached appropriate distance to engage in battle. Plus, Vikings build their own ships so they, again, have more to fight for. Pirates steal their ships from shipyards. and they wear capri pants.

Unknown said...

good point, Jay. I think you just shivered my timbers.